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Why Insight Public Sector for federal IT solutions and technology?
We’re your strategic partner from end to end — defining, architecting, implementing and managing solutions to ensure your success. Our public sector expertise, technical capabilities, and strong supply chain relationships mean you work with a single partner.
You benefit from:
- Exclusive access to low pricing through the public sector contracts
- Experienced IT specialists ready to help
- Strong client relationships that support your entire IT lifecycle
- Customized solutions to drive efficiency and reduce costs
- Flexible, convenient ways to manage technology

We have some of the biggest federal contracts.
Insight Public Sector offers government-approved IT purchasing contracts, including:
- NASA's Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP) V
- National Institutes of Health’s Chief Information Officer-Commodities and Solutions (CIO-CS)
- General Services Administration (GSA)
Technology that makes public service possible
Equip your agency with leading technology, enabling you to
accomplish more. We’ll help you:- Provide workers with modern devices and manage it all with ease.
- Protect critical data while sharing key information between departments.
- Support an IT ecosystem that is modern, nimble and secure.
- Adopt new technology to improve workflows and reduce inefficiency.


Rugged devices

Networking & infrastructure