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Featured K–12 education purchasing contracts
Insight Public Sector offers school purchasing through top national and local contracts.
We’re here to support you through contracts, including:
Why Insight Public Sector for your K–12 education partner?
With Insight Public Sector, you get a partner with real education experience.
We understand your needs and goals and will guide you to the right technology to achieve them.Experienced education consultants
Leverage our decades of experience and technical expertise in the education industry to solve your pressing challenges.
Deployment and IT management
Complete lifecycle services and certified labs facilities can configure your devices so they’re ready to go on day one.
Deep partner relationships
Access the top education technology brands at discounted rates through purchasing contracts for hardware and software.

Skip the RFP process with school purchasing contracts.
Get the critical technology your classrooms and administration need faster. With school purchasing cooperatives, you get a streamlined buying process for IT products and services, with no need for Requests for Proposals (RFPs) — shortening the time from search to purchase to use.
You’ll be able to shop the IT assets you and your students use daily to learn and grow, including tablets, laptops, printers and accessories.

Support for classroom modernization
Technology upgrades transform learning, teaching and communication — but moving to a modern infrastructure can strain operating budgets. The E-Rate program supports libraries and K–12 schools as they update their telecommunications and networking.
With significant discounts, public and non-profit schools and libraries can affordably foster innovative, internet-based learning experiences.
How to secure E-Rate funding
Once you’ve established your digital learning initiatives, you can receive discounts through the following process:
Step 1:
Competitive bidding
You file FCC Form 470 to request products and services, so service providers can submit bids.
Step 2:
Selecting a provider
You review each of the bids you receive and choose the most cost-effective option available.
Step 3:
Applying for discounts
You complete and submit FCC Form 471 to the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC).
Step 4:
Application review
USAC checks your completed Form 471 and confirms that you’re ready to start receiving discounts.
Step 5:
Beginning services
You file FCC Form 486, and your chosen provider starts delivering services at the approved rate.
Step 6:
Either you or your service provider bills USAC for the discounted portion of your eligible service costs.
Personalized web page
If you purchase under a specific contract, simply log in to your organization's personalized page on IPS myInsight to view your available contracts and pricing.
Set up an online account.
It’s fast and easy, with no user fees or commitments. You can view contracts now, but you’ll need an online account before you can purchase from a contract.