How do I check the status of my order?

Use the orders navigation and select order tracking/history from the menu options. From there, you can locate your recent orders and check the status.

Here are the definitions for the order status messages:

In Progress: None of the shippable or non-shippable order line items have been shipped or invoiced.

On Hold: Your order is awaiting review by your sales team.

In Configuration Lab: One or more of the order line items is in the lab awaiting configuration.

Lab complete: The lab finished configuring the line items that needed configuration.

Preparing for shipment: The order line item is out of the lab and should ship tonight.

Partially Shipped: One or more of the order line items have been prepared to ship or are en route, but more items are still waiting to be shipped.

Complete: All line items in the order have been fully shipped, and the order is completely invoiced.

You’ll find the Shipping date and Estimated delivery date at the bottom of the Order details page by selecting into the order number.

Please note - If you require an update on your order prior to it being invoiced please contact your assigned Account Manager or general sales 0344 846 3333.

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