Maximize audience engagement.

The Sony EDGE Analytics appliance empowers you to create impactful video presentations that previously would have needed significant time, money and resources.

Whether you’re airing live or pre-recording content, now you can bring tools previously only available in professional broadcast settings to any meeting, presentation or collaborative session in any industry.

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Sony Beamforming Microphone

Bringing the audio back into AV

Sony has a rich history in sound and audio. The SLS-1A speaker gives every audience member a rich, powerful sound experience with a compact, uniquely versatile line-array speaker system. Sony SLS-1A offers an ideal sound solution in a wide range of listening environments in conjunction with large displays.

Alongside the speakers, the Sony Beamforming Microphone supports better audience clarity for both in-personal and virtual participants. Its ceiling-mounted installation frees presenters from wires, hassles and handheld equipment.

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