Accélérer la transformation numérique
avec Insight et Intel
Par Insight Editor / 29 Mar 2021 / Sujets: Transformation numérique
Par Insight Editor / 29 Mar 2021 / Sujets: Transformation numérique
Traditionnellement reconnu comme un innovateur de premier plan dans le microtraitement, Intel est passé d’une organisation centrée sur les ordinateurs personnels à une organisation véritablement centrée sur les données au cours des dernières années. Dans ce TechTalk, John Dathan, vice-président principal et directeur général d’Insight Canada, est accompagné de Denis Gaudreault, directeur national d’Intel Canada. Ensemble, ils discutent de la position d’Insight en tant que partenaire de solution privilégié au sein de la nouvelle Alliance des partenaires Intel et se réjouissent des prochaines phases d’innovation d’Intel qui pointent à l’horizon.
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Publié le 29 mars 2021
Hello, and welcome to another edition of Insight’s Tech Talk. You know, this is a platform that we use to get information out to our clients. And today I'm really excited to have Denis Gaudreault, who's joining us, Denis is the country manager for Intel and a great partner of Insight. Welcome Denis.
All right, thanks John. Thanks for having me, I really appreciate it.
Great. Great to see you. I hope everything's safe. And I imagine like me, you've got a lot more time for these things without any travel on your schedule. So, things continue to be different.
Yeah, absolutely, big time. Looking to travel again a little bit, but yeah, so.
Yeah, me too. Me too. Look, I want to start, I mean, this might be kind of simplistic but not everybody knows Intel the way that obviously you know Intel and we know you as a partner. You know, many people think of Intel as, you know, the company that's inside the vast majority of PCs and, you know, you've transformed so much from beyond the microprocessor and that.
Do you want to just talk a little bit about Intel's journey right now?
Yeah, absolutely. So as some of you may know, right? A couple of years ago, we start our transformation moving from a PC centric organization to really being a data centric organization. So, with all the volume of data that now it's greater and need to be analyzed, we're really moving forward to create all those technology and product that will let people to compute, move, store, and secure all that data. So really moving away from just being focusing on silicone, or really on CPU, moving to XPU architectures where it won't be only just the silicone but really about all the platforms. So, the hardware, the software, the service and everything to really address a great opportunity that is in front of us with all that compute movement and storing of data that is needed moving forward.
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's a big transformation for you. And, and I guess with the new CEO that's probably going to continue to, to move forward.
One of the areas, you know, we've, we both see in every, almost every presentation everybody loves to quote Satya on this that, you know, during the pandemic, you know, what used to be two years of, of transformation is now, you know, somewhere around two months. I would think that some of your transformation is to help address that. But maybe you can expand a little bit on, on what it is, or how you're helping the Canadian clients around transformation.
Yeah. That's a very good point. I guess everybody was surprised by how fast. So, we're all, everybody in the industry was pushing that digital transformation, right? For, I would say years, but with the pandemic, things accelerate very, very fast. So right now, if you look what we're doing, right, we're really helping the organizations because the, what they did during their COVID is basically they try to keep the business continuity, right? Keep the light up and running, like the work from home, and using the count, agility, and everything. And now, so what we're trying to do is like, move the people to that digital transformation, where they are going to be leveraging digital technologies to transform that process, their business, their organization, really, to help the business to grow and be more agile and adapt to that new reality.
Hmm. Now, are you seeing, when you, when you think of digital transformation, are your clients and your conversations, culturally, are they moving at the same speed or is there a little bit of a lag between a digital transformation and a cultural transformation?
Yeah, so I would say, so it depends on the industry, right? Some industries are faster than others. Some are a bit slower, but I would say with the pandemic, I would say everybody now gets that they really need to transform, and they need to do that fast, because it's kind of a question of, to survive, right? And which before we had still to convince some customers to go faster, that was key for them in the early, have to go, and everybody get that. And they get that, the fact that the smart infrastructure, the platform, your IT platform become the center of their transformation.
Yeah. That's terrific. Well, listen, and if I didn't properly thank you for investing time with us today we appreciate your partnership every day. And we're pretty excited because you've launched a new partner program and Insight's at the highest tier of that. And I think it's now called the Intel Partner Alliance.
Maybe you could talk about a little bit about what that means for a partner like Insight, and ultimately, what does that mean for a client of Insight to be your highest level of partner?
Yeah, so we had to evolve our program, right? It's called the IPA, the Intel Partner Alliance. So, because the market is moving, we already do change up. And what that means for Insight, so like, great partners like you. So, like you say, you're the titanium level which is the highest level. It's really that helping you to create more possibility to really have, I would say, a personal experience dealing with us and going through a better collaboration between the two organization that we can help you to grow. And there are different ways that we can do that with your organization, which at the end will also benefit your customer, right? Whereas the partner university, where we have deeper knowledge around AI, 5G, cloud, all the new things that we see, right, that are growing super fast. Also, more tools to do co-marketing. You see with you and your customers. And also, that what we call that solution marketplace, where any customer can go and look for a different solution that an organization like Insight are putting together to solve some real problems that customer will see.
Yeah, we've actually, and a couple of examples come to mind on that. I know we've done some joint work with a service provider who's kind of looking at next generation, you know, advanced memory systems and things for higher speed searches and then you guys were right there willing to invest in the proof of concept. So, we certainly appreciate that. Any guidance for clients as to how to, you know, what they should be looking for in terms of how to best work with you know, with yourselves, through a company like Insight?
Yeah, absolutely. So, as we, as an organization look to digitally transform their organization and look what kind of platform that they need, right? That look at their OTD, IT environment, how they can capture the data, move all the stack. It's really to sit down with an organization like Insight, like your organizations, and figure out, okay, what are all the capabilities that they have, they look at discovery process and everything, and Intel, we're working like, and with your organization, right? So, to really go through that process and really figure out, okay, what are the steps, where are the direction they should go and whether they should start that transformation toward the digital transformation they want and organizations really working end to end together in that.
Yeah. So, when you're working on all these projects that are kind of out there and you know, talking about digital transformation. What is success for Intel in Canada in 2021? Or even beyond that? Like how are you looking at, this is what's going to move the needle for Intel and clients?
Yeah, so absolutely, so that's a good point.
So first, we're looking at, really, our main goal or priority for Canada is to really have a Canadian organization. What is in the retail space, education, the banking, any organization to accelerate that digital transformation is super important for Canada, for our economy, and the survival of all of our enterprise, right? And doing such, so we're making sure our partners are up to speed, organization like Insight have all the knowledge and everything. And as every time we have a new project that we're working, I don't know, an AI project or a network transformation that they move to more virtualizing the network with the communication service provider. So, for us, it's a success because we're moving the market toward that strong transformation that create more opportunity for all the enterprise and organization.
Yeah, no, that's terrific. And it's exciting stuff. Maybe... without giving away something that you can't give away, but any hints around, what do you expect, technology? Like I know you've done a lot in the GPU space for example, that was a relatively new space for you for the last couple of years. Any hints of kind of where you think things are going to go?
Yeah there's a, it's always a question that we get, right? So hey, Intel, so you're so much driving the market, so what's coming? So, we share a few thoughts, a few things at the CES, a few stuff.
So, this year is a big year for us. And the second part of the year, so without giving like specific dates, everything. We're going to launch a new server platform. So, fire rapid, and then using a multi-chip, a multi-chip, that technology, which bring new architecture which will change a lot of things.
Also, on the GPU space, like you mentioned, with up on the VQ architecture, which also coming toward a second part of the year or so, which also will challenge many, many players already established in the market.
So, we're pretty excited for what's coming down the road. And as you know, earlier this year, we launched Tiger Lake for client, Ice Lake for servers, all new product, new process. So very, very exciting year for us with a lot of new things.
No, that's terrific. Well, we, and certainly the innovation that Intel brings is second to none. I mean, you guys have, you've been doing it for a long, long time, and it's great to see the continued, you know, of the investments that you make.
So, I want to thank you for spending time with us. It's great to get a message out not only to our clients, but also our Insight teammates. We're always looking to learn. We're always looking to figure out what is next. And so, you've shared a little bit of that with us today. So, thank you, and to those that have joined us today, we really appreciate it.
Stay well.
Thank you so much.
Vice-Président Principal - Directeur Général, Insight Canada
En 2018, John s’est joint à Insight avec plus de 30 ans d’expérience en vente et gestion commerciale dans l’industrie des TI. Dans le cadre de ses fonctions, John forge des relations approfondies avec les partenaires et des connexions significatives avec les clients pour les aider à administrer leurs besoins informatiques actuels plus efficacement et à se transformer pour relever les défis qui se présenteront dans le futur. Il guide la stratégie globale d’Insight Canada qui vise à répondre aux besoins des clients grâce à des processus, des outils et des services uniques dispensés par l’entremise des Solutions de technologie intelligentes Insight™ qui regroupent l’Optimisation de la chaîne d’approvisionnement, l’Environnement connecté, la Transformation infonuagique + centres de données et l’Innovation numérique.
Directeur national, Intel Canada
Denis Gaudreault est le directeur national d’Intel au Canada et le directeur des équipes entreprises et gouvernements pour les Amériques qui se concentrent sur le développement et l’expansion du marché de la consommation et l’adoption de l’accélération technologique pour ce territoire. Depuis qu’il s’est joint à Intel en 2000, Denis a occupé divers postes, notamment celui de directeur mondial de la verticale gouvernementale World Ahead, de directeur de l’équipe fédérale d’Intel États-Unis et de directeur du développement des affaires. Ses domaines d’expertise couvrent les développements technologiques, l’impact déstabilisant de la technologie et l’effet des stratégies corporatives et gouvernementales. Avec ses 19 ans d’expérience chez Intel et sa passion pour l’accompagnement professionnel et le mentorat, il croit véritablement qu’il faut donner à tout le monde les moyens de faire progresser leur carrière et d’aller au-delà de ce qu’ils pensent être hors de leur portée.