On-demand webinar
Becoming Cloud Smart
with ThinkOn Landing Zone
By Insight Editor / 25 Feb 2021 / Topics: Hybrid cloud Cloud
By Insight Editor / 25 Feb 2021 / Topics: Hybrid cloud Cloud
Organizations need enterprise technology infrastructure solutions that can accommodate fluctuations in traffic and allow for customizable and scalable storage and compute resource configurations. A hybrid cloud model provides an environment to optimize data storage solutions in a secure and fully scalable model unique to the needs to your business as they arise in real-time.
Join Insight & ThinkOn public sector cloud specialists to explore pragmatic cloud adoption and migration strategies during this session. We will be discussing ThinkOn’s VMWare powered service delivery infrastructure and it’s dedicated Canadian Public Sector, nationwide cloud services make the most of your existing investments and provide the simplest most cost effective option for your journey to the cloud.
Senior Vice-President & General Manager, Insight Canada
In 2018, John joined Insight with more than 30 years of sales and business management experience in IT. John fosters deep partner relationships and meaningful connections with clients. He guides Insight Canada’s overall strategy to meet their needs through unique processes, tools and services provided via Insight Intelligent Technology Solutions™ in supply chain optimization, connected workforce, cloud and data centre transformation, and digital innovation.
VP Public Sector & Marketplace Sales, ThinkOn
As a 30+ year sales and business development leader at top high technology, hardware, software, and 3rd party logistics companies, Dean has been integral to ThinkOn’s growth over the past 5 years. In early 2019 Dean moved to Ottawa and took up the mandate to lead our Canadian Federal Government business development efforts. He brings a wealth of experience and knowledge along with broad industry experience in High Tech, Aerospace, Healthcare, Communications, Utilities, Automotive, Retail and the Canadian Public Sector, that are highly beneficial in working with the various departments of the Federal Government.
Solutions Architect, Insight Canada
Linq joined Insight in 2018 and has over 15 years of experience in the IT industry. In his current role as a solutions architect, Linq helps clients solve challenges by modernization and transforming the data centre.
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